Desire urges me on, while fear bridals me
Giordano Bruno

Experimentation part 2 2017 .25 MP.JPG
Buzzing Bees and Dancing Dragonflies

Buzzing Bees and Dancing Dragonflies

We can do no great things - only small things with great love. – Mother Theresa

I’ve just spent two hours in my backyard sitting in my zero gravity chair and working on articles. This is what I have seen and heard:

Blue Jays playing, scolding, and calling
Robins seeking insects and worms
Baby birds chirping greedily for their breakfast
A Robin on our fence warning that our cat is in the yard
A Garter Snake slithering through the strawberry patch (he/she startled me, as usual)
White cotton puffs of clouds floating through a beautiful blue sky
Rain clouds building to the south
A multitude of bees and butterflies gathering pollen in my garden
Flowers beginning to open
Dragonflies dancing 
Children playing in the neighborhood
Lots of cars passing by on the street
Charlie consistently nudging my arm for a head rub

It is a beautiful day, which makes it difficult to believe there is ugliness in the world. But there is. Just turn on the news or look at your news feed for 30 seconds, and you will be told how bad it is.


Beauty and goodness in the world are more abundant than we recognize. Unfortunately, negativity is contagious. For example, in the marketing world, it takes seven positives to overcome a negative, and the news outlets depend on drama and sensationalism to sell their product.

I get it that survival dictates that we search for what is wrong in the environment - which worked great when we were looking for the saber tooth tiger hiding in the bushes. This level of hypervigilance may no longer be of value to us in the 21st century.  

Many people wonder about how they can be a part of the change process for increased equality, a better world, more respect, a cleaner environment, etc. There are as many different answers as there are individuals. And it often feels overwhelming as I consider my role in this arena. Then Mother Theresa’s words about doing small things with great love come to mind.

I heard the message again in the strangest of places: season 13, episode 15 of Supernatural (one of my favorite shows). At 24:25, there is a dialogue with a priest talking about changing the world. He ends by saying, “…the world will never be perfect. But if good men [women] do good things, it can be better. Every day can get better.”

What is within my power to make the world a better place?

  • Strive to do good every day

  • Respect for all living creatures and the environment (man-made or natural)

  • Kindness and compassion toward all

  • Remember that everyone is doing the best they can - including me

  • Maintaining my boundaries while keeping an open mind toward change


I’m not perfect, and I no longer try to be. Somedays, I am a foul mood, which makes it more challenging to maintain these qualities.

That’s okay because I know that I do the best I can, and there will be days I fall down. So I would add to that list to give myself some grace to be human. 

I would add one more item to that list: remember that the media provides a very narrow view of the world. It is up to the rest of us to expand that view and see the good.

Post a picture in the comment box and show me what beauty you have seen today.


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© 2013-2020 Kelly Marker, Charlie’s Wisdom All Rights Reserved

The information and material on this blog are based on my personal opinions and experiences.  It is not intended as professional mental health advice.  The ideas and strategies should never be used without first assessing your mental health situation, or without consulting a mental health professional. My thoughts and opinions will continue to evolve and change as I continue to grow and learn.

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