Desire urges me on, while fear bridals me
Giordano Bruno

Experimentation part 2 2017 .25 MP.JPG
Connection to Riches

Connection to Riches

In each new experience, another dimension of the soul unfolds. – John O'Donohue


I have an abundant imagination. I picture souls lined up excitedly waiting for their turn to have a human experience in this world. While waiting, they decide on what they would like to live through and feel, make agreements to help each other along their journeys, and choose the family that will shape their time here. And when a soul arrives on Earth, it becomes an individual. Something so different than the familiarity of togetherness in the Divine space. This sense of separation becomes stronger as the veil becomes thicker as we age.

Sometimes it is hard to believe we welcome the human experience - ego, emotions, senses, pain, joy – all that is the human condition.  To learn how to be an individual – to be separate. It is not a comfortable experience as suffering is so often the fertilizer for personal growth.

Connection is key. A primary factor in resiliency is to have secure relationships. We are learning how to be individuals and stay connected. Isn't that what this pandemic is teaching us…we are alone together? Same storm, different boats. How to physically distance yet stay connected.

Connection to others as well as a connection to self.  

This pandemic is changing people's lives—many for the positive. Individuals and families are becoming aware of what they can live without, what the real priorities are, and their capability to create the life they want to live. How to be happy, joyful, and free. How to be separate yet connected. And for some, the separateness has allowed for solitude. An introvert's dream and an extrovert's nightmare!  

Solitude – "the state or situation of being alone; a lonely or uninhabited place."

For some, solitude sounds scary. But being alone is not the same as being lonely. Solitude is an opportunity to learn to become comfortable with your thoughts. To sift and sort through the ego's fear-based and negative thought process and find the golden treasure of the soul. And when the bond with your soul is alive, then your outer relationships will be more vibrant.

John O'Donohue goes on to explain the importance of the journey inwards. Many of my articles describe the outer adventures I have taken (traveling, motorcycling, hiking). But the experience of self-exploration can be the most exciting and rewarding.  


The inner reflection I am referring to requires quieting your mind and looking at yourself and the life you are leading. Do you feel your life is meaningful and has a purpose? Do you feel satisfied? Are you trying to live up to someone else's dreams, or are they yours? How would you like to live? What are the desires and goals you crave? What plans would you like to put into action? No judgment, no criticism, this is listening deeply to your soul. There is no right or wrong here.  

I have often heard people lament that there must be something "more" to life. Of course, there is! The first question is, what do you want? And the second question is, where are you willing to start to make changes?

Course corrections can be very minor (i.e., changing a morning routine to include meditation or more time with family) to major (selling everything and traveling the world). 

But first, you must dive beneath the turbulent waves of the ego's fear and doubt to find the peaceful waters of the heart to learn what you want. You may be surprised at the answer.  

Take the time for the most rewarding adventure and journey to the center of your heart. The treasure that is hidden underneath the busy thoughts and to-do lists will make your life richer than you can imagine!

© 2013-2020 Kelly Marker, Charlie’s Wisdom All Rights Reserved

The information and material on this blog are based on my personal opinions and experiences.  It is not intended as professional mental health advice.  The ideas and strategies should never be used without first assessing your mental health situation, or without consulting a mental health professional. My thoughts and opinions will continue to evolve and change as I continue to grow and learn.

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