Desire urges me on, while fear bridals me
Giordano Bruno

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Experimentation - December 4, 2014

Experimentation - December 4, 2014

In my article, Discovering the Heart’s Desire, I wondered what it would be like to live like Charlie and fulfill my heart’s desire on a daily basis. I intended to work toward creating this feeling, and a week before Thanksgiving I noticed something different.

It had been another sacred Wednesday. The day started with a networking meeting, then breakfast with a dear friend, which led to hanging out and having lunch with my oldest son; then catching up with my daughter after school, and with Charlie by my feet and Big Band music playing in the background I worked on Charlie’s Wisdom. Aside from the networking meeting, the day had not been planned, there were no expectations about the day, and I went with the flow. I can describe this day as peaceful, relaxing, rich, and full of rewards. It was a perfect Sacred Wednesday of following my heart’s desire.

Is this what it takes? No plans and no expectations. Just follow the flow and say either yes or no to the opportunities at hand. That is what worked for me that day. I lived in the moment and even sang to the music that was playing at the restaurant during lunch (it was outstanding music – Joplin, Henley, ZZ Top, Elton John – the good stuff). I did what felt right in my heart, and it turned out good. There was no way for me to be disappointed because I had absolutely no expectation set for the day.

The question became what would it look like to make every day like that? I have responsibilities and obligations to uphold. I have future plans that I would like to accomplish. Expectations creep in and with expectations come disappointments. This creates fear because we become attached to a particular outcome (aka expectation) and then all the behaviors that follow fear set in…and the next thing you know a cycle of misery is created.

So I am experimenting. I am setting an intention of no expectations as to how my days turn out. I have client appointments and other business to conduct. I have chores, errands, and a family to care for. Obligations and responsibilities will be met. My personal and professional boundaries will be maintained. But whatever happens, will happen and I will attempt to go with the flow without attaching to a particular outcome.

Stay tuned…

© 2013-2019 Kelly Marker, Charlie’s Wisdom All Rights Reserved

Evil Gremlin Thoughts - January 3, 2015

Evil Gremlin Thoughts - January 3, 2015

Learning from Challenges - November 29, 2014

Learning from Challenges - November 29, 2014